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Monday, 16 July 2012

Twice in One Day ...Getting There!

Tant Qu'il y Aura des Étoiles by Tino Rossi on Grooveshark

No time for a long post but thought you might like to see some of my weekend purchases.
These little beauties will be in my Etsy Shop very soon.

heart shaped biscuit moulds... Mignon!

Interesting balance scales

Pretty rusty tin...but with cute doll decor

yet another religious icon!...might have to change the name of my shop!

vieux papiers...livres

I know someone who will want this!

Si la musique être...

la nourriture de l'amour... jouer !

bloc ephémérides ...old calender pages

1946  & 1949
Tomorrow I will take you to the Vide Grenier...Veuillez vous joindre à moi!

Love Maffyx